Friday, July 26, 2013

Women Love PORN!

Belle De Jour writer Dr Brooke Magnanti says Cameron's internet porn 'opt-in' system won't stop women watching sex online
"Mmm... Gay porn. Yummy!"
When I started writing explicit gay erotica back in early 2000s, I didn't expect to get fan emails from women. Later, when I decided to write gay erotica commercially (with more non-sexual plots), surprisingly 99.99% M/M readers I met (mostly women) stated they disliked reading explicit sex scenes a.k.a. porn. I honestly don't know what women want, especially after reading the article from Daily Mail UK. It states that women LOVE PORN! Hmm...

David Cameron announced on Tuesday that every householder connected to the internet will have their access to online porn blocked unless they ask to receive it. And while many people are heralding the 'opt-in' porn restrictions as a success, Dr Brooke Magnanti- research scientist, and writer, who, until her identity was revealed in November 2009, was known by the pen name Belle de Jour - has shed some interesting light on the new development.

Writing on The Telegraph, she said: 'One big assumption seems to be that only blokes will opt-in to porn, because the widespread myth is that only men watch it. But women seek out hardcore content too.'
Belle De Jour writer Dr Brooke Magnanti says Cameron's internet porn 'opt-in' system won't stop women watching sex online
"I love porn. Do you?"
She goes on to explain that women don't just seek hardcore content in erotic fiction such as Fifty Shades Of Grey but also online. She revealed that Google search terms such as 'porn,' and 'Playboy' are more likely to be entered by men than by women, however, generic words such as 'sex,' are equally as likely to be entered by women and they are actually more likely to type 'adult sex,' 'free sex,' and 'cyber sex' than men are.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Soundtrack For Books

handsome man listening to music on headphone — Stock Photo #28135681
When we watch movies, we'll notice that background music/score is always there. Depending on the scenes, the right background music can drive us to delve deeper into certain emotional state. Without background music, movies will feel static and emotionless. However, in textual stories, music is absent. Readers have to create their own imagination.

For me, as a writer, music helps me write better. The right kind of background music puts me into emotional state, to help me picture my own scene better. Many times, background music inspires me to write new minor plots which originally weren't intended to be written. I heard, other writers use the same musical method when writing. Someone I know also says he likes to paint with loud music for inspiration.

While other writers choose sexy jazzy vocal songs, I go for instrumental music. To me, vocal songs with words are simply distractions. It's akin to someone talking to you while you need to concentrate. It simply doesn't work for me.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Biako06's Arts

The first artist to get featured in Himeros Blog is Biako06. From his profile in Deviant Art, it's said that his name is Eric and is from US. Biako06 is a 3D artist specializing in male. Most of his arts revolve around super heroes and warriors. Some arts involve male frontal nudity. Below are some of his artworks. For more arts from Biako06, feel free to visit his Deviant Art page:
Knight-Captain Garamiah

Himeros' Collection